- Graduated from the Autonomous University of Chihuahua (Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua) in 2013.
- Graduated as Master in Justice Administration from the Autonomous University of Chihuahua (Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua) in 2016.
- Spanish
Practice Areas
- Legal Counsel, Labor Litigation, Bureaucratic Counsel, Legal Documents, Labor Lawsuits and Direct and Indirect Amparo in Labor and Social Security matters.
Professional Experience
- February 2019 – to date
Associate at the law firm Cereceres Estudio Legal, S.C.
- January 2015 – to date
Professor at the Law School of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua (Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua).
- January 2014 – January 2019
Associate at the law firm J.E. Pacheco Abogados, S.C.
Experience in the Legal Practice
- Cuenta con experiencia en derecho laboral, familiar, seguridad social, derecho burocrático, amparo, medios alternos y cultura de la legalidad.
- Brinda asesoría legal principalmente laboral, burocrática y de seguridad social, así como la elaboración de documentos legales.
- Atiende juicios laborales de competencia local y federal, representando patrones y obreros, promueve juicios de amparo directo e indirecto en material laboral y de seguridad social.
Additional Training and Achievements
- Online update course on the Accusatory Criminal System provided by Mexico Digital of the Government of the Republic (2015).
- Culture of Legality Awareness Workshop given by CEEAD (2015).
- UACH Educational Model Course offered by the Law School (2015).
- Moodle Basic Course for Teachers, non-conventional modality taught by UACH (2017).
- New Educational Model UACH-DS Course (2021).
- Workshop Recommendations for a safe return to work in the event of COVID-19, Mexican Institute of Social Security (Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social) (2020).
- Amparo Labor workshop, Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (2021).
- Seminar on the New Labor Justice System, Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (2022).
- Diploma in Amparo Proceedings, Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (2022).
- Social Service Provider at the Supreme Court of Justice of the State, Second Civil Court.
- Student Technical Advisor UACH School of Law (2011-2012).
- Speaker at the LIII National Assembly of Labor Law held in Saltillo, Mexico (2013).
- Honorary Member of the Mexican Institute of Amparo A.C. (2014).
- Participant in the X National Amparo Congress held in Chihuahua, Chih. (2014).
- Participant Second World Congress on Labor Law, Social Security and Productivity, held in Chihuahua, Chih. (2016).
- Student Advisor, Graduate Subdivision of the UACH Law School. (2016).
- Award from the UACH Chancellor´s Office for the commitment teaching the Culture of Legality Subject. (2016).
- Social Analyst at the radio news program IMAGEN RADIO 97.3 FM (Currently)
Contact Us:
Cereceres Estudio Legal S. C.
Edificio The Lofts, Distrito Uno.
Citadela 5901, Int. 206,
Colonia Saucito
31110, Chihuahua, México
MX: +52 (614) 262-2001
MX: +52 (614) 261-5398
US: +1 (915) 996-9320
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